How it all started

At each of my programs, I would generally get inundated with questions… These questions are almost never asked during with workshop per se, but during breaks, after the program, before the session starts – or sometimes, a few days after the workshop over a phone call. Generally, I had a habit of writing the questions that come my way in a book – so that I use this as ‘material’ for the next sessions that come by way : and storytelling started this way : as a way of answering a question to enable the gleaning of a concept through an incident or a story. This is what inspired the first book Jargon Free Management – a compilation of simple management areas of focus that I generally train on during my Leadership Workshops, compiled into a simple to read book… Later, I started working on other topics – using the same story telling format.

In 2017 I had a freak accident and broke my leg – requiring me to have a titanium plate and 7 ’screws’ as part of the surgery to correct my leg. 4 months of ‘bed rest’ ensued and bored out of my mind, I dug out my old books, and all the questions posed to me and written down over the years became the inspiration for the No Nonsense Series… As we started Luminary, I was keen to get our trainers to share their perspectives and insights: and as an ‘experiment’, I tagged team with Anton and Tatum to co-author a No Nonsense Book – and worked out a framework that would enable the three of us to work on a book together. It worked so well that we put a small, robust process around it. Then, Fahad reached out on one of my posts: and I invited him to come home and write a book with me: and this, believe it or not, was the first time I was meeting him face to face. We finished the No Nonsense on Public Speaking in just one day (with a little help from Anton as well)! Emboldened, we got others involved – and this series became a wonderful way for us trainers to put things together – and is now something we do every month.

In 2019, Shaakya (my daughter) turned 17, and we started having wide ranging conversations about ‘popular advice’: and I, in my usual ‘unorthodox’ ways, tried challenging her… Our constant verbal sparring sessions gave rise to the ‘Cut the Crap’ series, which she later become a co-author of…

Then came Covid…. With the entire country in lockdown, and Luminary taking the lead in moving into the online space for Webinars and On Line Training solutions, we have the good fortune of collaborating with many subject matter experts for our much celebrated 3 part series of Webinars. These collaborations are what inspired the series ‘Guru Guide’ where we looked at sharing deep insights as well as original tools for practitioners to work with.

Management Lessons from the Movies started out as a bit of a laugh way back over 16 years ago where we messed around with the concept of ‘learning from anything’ and used movies as a metaphor. Over a coffee, reminiscing, the idea of writing a few books around some of the movies we watched together as a young team came up – and we started making small booklets around some of the most inspiring movies we had viewed.

Jargon Free

Jargon Free

Is a series that looks at every day life and tries to glean management and related ‘lessons.’ The book is largely anecdotal, full of stories from my life…

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No Nonsense Advice

No Nonsense Advice

Is a series that aims to be a quick read : generally in one sitting. The ‘advice’ is to the point : no stories, no examples, no anecdotes : just Do’s and Don’ts

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Cut the Crap

Cut the Crap

Is a series that looks at discussing ‘popular’ advice – and taking it apart ! Somewhat of a mix between Jargon Free and No Nonsense – this series too is anecdotal in nature with lots of little stories – and rather detailed discussions on each topic at hand.

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Guru Guide

Guru Guide

Inspired by our Talk Show ‘In Conversation With’ : The Guru Guide aims to discuss both concepts as well as tools. If the No Nonsense is about the WHAT, Guru Guide is about the HOW.

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Management Lessons From Movies

Management Lessons From Movies

Management Lessons From Movies Reviewed by Vidusha Nathavitharana

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Other Books

Other Books

Books Authored by Vidusha Nathavitharana

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About Vidusha Nathavitharana

Vidusha is currently the Destiny Architect at High5 Consultancy and Training and Luminary Learning Solutions and also the organization’s founder member. Prior to starting out on his own, Vidusha was the Head of HR and HRD for the local arm of a Fortune 500 organisation with direct responsibility for over 3000 employees. He also overlooked Risk, Safety and Health, Compliance, CSR and Business Continuity Planning for the organisation and was also part of the Strategic Planning Team. As a head of HR Vidusha won numerous accolades locally and internationally including the second place at the inaugural National HR Awards, Winner of the National Safety Awards twice in a row, the accolade as the Most Energy Efficient Organisation on the Island, 5M clock hours without a lost time accident award as well as being the first company in the world to pass the combined WRAP/ETI certification.

His areas of expertise lies with Strategy Facilitation, HR Strategy Development and Leadership Training. He has conducted assignments in 15 countries regionally (in person, physically) and consulted for the World Bank, the UN as well as some of the top corporates in Sri Lanka and the Region including John Keells Holdings, HSBC, Deutch Bank, Wataniya Telecom Maldives, Allied Insurance Maldives, Al Radhi Takaful Saudi Arabia, BRAC University Bangladesh, Fashion Garments Vietnam, Sumbiri Indonesia, Nike Global and Levis. His online programs and webinars attracts participants from over 25 countries. He is one of the Founding Directors of Chrysalis, a social enterprise working to empower women and youth by fostering inclusive growth in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. Vidusha also hosted the Talk Show Nothing Personal for a local television station and was part of the World’s Longest Webinar with an 18 hour nonstop marathon showcasing 17 guests. He also lectured for the CIM program in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Vidusha holds a Bachelors in Business Management from the University of Lincoln UK, a MA in Leading Innovation and Change from the University of York St. John UK and a MBA from the University of Wales Trinity St. David UK. He is currently completing his third Masters in HRM from the University of Northampton. He is also a PhD student in Leadership with the NSBM University Sri Lanka.

Vidusha is the only Sri Lankan and South Asian to be recognised as a Global Guru for Leadership for 2022 by and the only Sri Lankan to be recognised as one of the top 40 Change Champions by Vidusha is also recognised as one of the top 10 thought leaders in Management and Leadership by Thinkers 360. Vidusha’s pioneering work to ensure ROI after Leadership Training also saw him being the only Sri Lankan Leadership Trainer on the TedX Colombo stage.